What is Psycho-Oncology?

According to the American Psycho-Social Oncology Society (APOS), psycho-oncology is defined as “a cancer specialty that addresses the variety of psychological, behavioral, emotional and social issues that arise for cancer patients and their loved ones. Cancer can cause significant distress for patients and their families. The type of distress varies based on each individual and family experience. It may be influenced by a variety of factors — including the type of cancer, where patients are in their life, and how they tend to cope with challenging situations. In the broadest terms, there are two psychological dimensions of cancer. The first is the emotional response patients and families have to cancer. The second are the emotional, behavioral, and psychosocial difficulties that influence living with cancer. Psychosocial oncology is the specialty that addresses all of these dimensions.” (APOS 2020)

What is psychosocial oncology? APOS. (2020, June). Retrieved March 6, 2023, from https://apos-society.org/professionals/what-is-psychosocial-oncology/